Cheyne has created strategic steps to catapult your closing percentage and sales capability. Make your sales journey simple, impactful, and effective.

Do You Want to Discover Your Best Character & Become a Master Closer?

  • Become Disciplined

  • Increase Your Closing %

  • Increase Your Sales Capabilities

  • Sharpen Your Communication

  • Become The Prize

What To Expect?


Are you lacking discipline and confidence?Learn the steps to success through small victories throughout your day to bring out your best-character. Discover your best character from within from a simple process and 6 steps on the daily.

Let's teach you how to win!

Appointment Setting

Struggling to set qualified appointments?

Follow the 6 simple steps that allow more opportunities that convert to closes, while sharpening your communication.

Let's teach you how to set appointments!

Master Closing

Struggling with a low closing percentage? You're not alone. Follow the 9 steps of the sale to increase your closing capabilities while increasing your income.

Let's teach you how to close!

About Your Trainer

Cheyne Colwell is in recovery from drugs and alcohol and substance abuse. Through that journey, he discovered his best character. Now as a loving husband, business owner, author, mentor, and philanthrophist he wants to share how his knowledge to help others.

He created a solar and roofing sales force from scratch with no college degree except for experience in sales totaling 15 years.

Through God, grit, and hard work he was able to scale his business to 7-figures. Now he has designed and created strategic steps that have been put in place to keep your sales process simple, but highly profitable and effective.

Cheyne believes with God, hard work, perseverance, and persistence you can become your best-character. Cheyne believes if you want to make serious money and have serious results, you must take your work ethic serious. Dive into these strategic steps to increase you sales capabilities and in return increases your income.

If you're tired of dealing with these problems...

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